Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Update and Spring Semester

Ok. Second blog. I sat down to write it the other day...and it was mostly just rambling and was more of a flow of consciousness writing than a blog. It started out just being an update on my progress, but then I kept thinking of things I wanted to say and it just spilled out onto the screen in a jumble.

Anyway, as far as the progress report: I lost 4 pounds last week! Most of it was working on portion sizes, but I did start working on my activity level as well. I walked more and started playing on the Kinect more. Actually, right now I'm extremely sore. Unfortunately, I didn't do as well with my other resolution. And just so you all know, I toyed with the idea of leaving that information out of the blog completely, but in order to uphold the accountability I've asked for, I decided it was best to be honest - even though I'm really embarrassed.

Alright, moving on now. I started my Graduate Assistantship today! I think it's going to be great this semester! The lady I'm working for is great! I think the job is going to be pretty laid back, but I might have to opportunity to go with her on some of her trips to talk to the state government in Little Rock. I bet most of y'all didn't know that I love stuff like that?! I'm still nervous about classes, but they start tomorrow and I'm sure I'll figure it out soon.

Along with classes getting started back means that MBSF is gonna start back up next week and that has me super pumped! I didn't realize how much I missed all those girls until just now. Plus, I think there are some pretty cool things planned for this semester! I know they are going to start raising money for their mission trip to Belize and that's pretty exciting! Also, I was promised that we could have a Fruit Ninja party one night! (We have Fruit Ninja on the Kinect and it is pretty awesome. lol) Besides all of that, I really do like the Bible studies that we've done ever since the Blackfords got here. In fact, I could probably go on and on about all of my friends, including the Blackfords...but I think I'll save that sappiness for another blog.

Alright, well, I have a pile of laundry, literally a pile, that needs to be folded and put away. Oh, and does anyone have any ideas on how to make smelly fabric smell better? I got some from my Granny that had been stored in a plastic box..and they smell terrible. Help?! : ) Now...off to fold that laundry.

1 comment:

  1. You make me smile! The Blackfords love you too. As for not reading your Bible...don't give up! Just jump in and get going.

    As for smelly fabric, you could try a cup of lemon juice added to the wash cycle when you wash them. You can also try adding a cup of vinegar or baking soda to the wash (just not both!). If they are not something you can wash, you might try sprinkling them with some baking soda and letting it sit, then shaking it outside. I know you can sprinkle baking soda on carpet and let it sit for 30 mins or so then just vacuum it up, so I imagine the same would work with other fabrics. You might also try hang them outside on a nice day. Sunshine and fresh air can do wonders!
