Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Resolutions, New Job

I've made two New Year's Resolutions. Unlike in years before, I've thought long and hard about these; they are two things that I plan on taking throughout the whole year: a) lose fifty pounds and b) read my Bible everyday.

Those of you who have known me over the span of my life know that I've gained more than the "freshman fifteen" in the past couple of years. It's gotten to the point that I can hardly stand to look in the mirror anymore. Forget getting dressed up. None of my clothes really fit and shopping depresses me even more. I'm sure every woman goes through this at one point or another, but I can't stand it. I've had people tell me they've wondered if I was pregnant and no woman wants to hear that. If I think about it too long, I end up crying and asking myself why I don't get up and do something about it. So that's what I'm doing. I have no doubt that it will be a tough and emotional road...but I know that I can do it. God wants me to take care of my body, and I don't think I've been doing such a great job of that over the past couple years. And that brings me to my second resolution -

- reading my Bible everyday. You'd think that growing up as a preacher's kid that I would know better by now and already be in this habit, but unfortunately, I'm not. My senior year of high school, Mom and Dad started their Live It. It required them to record what they ate (basically counting calories if I remember right?), how much/long they exercised, and what verses they read every day. Getting healthy and staying healthy (aka losing weight and keeping it off) are not always easy to do, and you can't do it for yourself. That was what the Live It was about, keeping your temple God-worthy. Bible study is a huge factor in keeping your spirit healthy, just like physical exercise will help keep your body healthy. I still don't know what I'll be using as a guide for this portion of my New Year's resolutions, so I might just be free-styling like I've done in the past (we see how well that's worked out), although Katherine's Resolution 365 sounds like a good idea!

I really do feel as though I'm starting a new chapter this year. I'll be starting my Master's in a couple weeks, complete with a new job and new opportunities. Because my classes will all be online and/or at night, I feel as though I'll have more freedom to exercise and study my Bible. Like my voice teacher told me my freshman year, "You may just have to set aside time every day, just like you would with any other class." I'm almost scared to ask for it, because I know several of you will make good on it, but I need some accountability. I guess that's really why I started the blog. I'll update on my progress every couple weeks, but I'm hoping to blog about other things well. In any case, I would appreciate any prayers!

In saying that, it's definitely time for me to crawl into bed. Goodnight and Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Catherine! I love that this is your resolution, as it was mine last year...the weight part at least. :) I accomplished my goal...50 pounds by the end of the year. However, I've got lots farther to go. Beth shaw started a Facebook page for a few people where we update our weight every week. It gives some accountability and really helped me. If you want to join, I believe she has to do the invite, so you just have to let her know and she'll add you. You got this!!!!! :)
