Thursday, June 7, 2012

Lemon Water

Today is June 7th, 2012. I'm half-way through the year and I'm only 2 lbs away from my BEGINNING weight. Yippee. Ha! Honestly, I'm not as upset about it as you might think. A good friend of mine taught me the "Fake it til you make it" mantra and that's been pretty much my motto for the past day or two. Today especially. Today I've found several things that could make me very angry/upset/annoyed/frustrated/sad...pretty much any negative emotion, but I refuse to let it get me down. Even if it does, I'm going to act like everything is okay, because, you know what? In the end it will be okay. My God is bigger than all this mess going on around me. So when the world gives you lemons and you don't have any money for sugar, just grin and bear it. It's hot enough outside that people will buy your lemon water for $0.25. Just keep the ice coming! (Haha, I'm not sure where that metaphor came from, but I'll go with it.)

The song that keeps playing in my mind is that Veggie Tales song "God is Bigger than the Boogeyman." While that song is mostly about fear, it can be applied to any problem. God is bigger than it all and "He's watching out for you and me!" I may have gotten myself into this mess, but I'm positive that one way or another, God can use it to His advantage. 
"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him." -Psalm 28:7 (NIV)

1 comment:

  1. I just want you to know that you have officially caused that song to be stuck in my head! :). Love you!
