Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Living by Faith

"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." -Jeremiah 33:3

So, bad idea: I skipped reading my Bible this morning (I also skipped breakfast, but that's another blog post). Thankfully, God knew what I needed today (duh) and the verse above was sent out to our church email list as the Daily Inspiration.

I was watching videos from The Skit Guys earlier, one of which I had seen before. The ones I watched were about being God's original masterpiece. When I watched the one called God's Chisel the first time, I was really worried about my weight and my body and I watched it and realized I didn't need to worry about what other people thought of how I looked on the outside; this time, even though the video didn't change, I got something different out of it. If you haven't seen the video, look it up here; I catch myself saying a lot of the same things Tommy did.

Unfortunately, living a life for Christ isn't easy. Sometimes, it hurts. Sometimes, it feels like you're alone, even though you know you're not. Sometimes, it's so hard you want to give up; you want to take back control. Living by faith isn't always easy - that's what makes your faith stronger.

In the end, it will all be worth it. I want to hear Him say, "Well done." I want to see the "great and mighty things" that I don't know about. I know my God can do miracles. I know he can take me and mold me into what I need to be, but am I ready?